Holland PRIDE Open Mic Night
Join us as we kick off PRIDE Month with an open mic night at Herrick District Library's north branch location on June 1 from 3pm to 5pm.
- Holland PRIDE Poetry Contest participants
- Debut of 2024 PRIDE Guide Magazine
- And much more!
Register to participate here: https://forms.gle/juof2mbba6fhedTF7
PRIDE Open Mic Night Details
All content must be LGBTQ+ or Social Justice related
All ages are invited to participate (under 18 requires signed permission slip)
Each performer will receive up to five minutes to share their original:
Song (acoustic only)
Poem/spoken word
Short story
Priority and additional time will be given to the Holland PRIDE Poetry Contest participants in order to share their submission(s)
Participants may register in advance by completing the online registration form
There will also be a registration for empty time slots at the door
Time slots are on a first-come-first-serve basis
If time allows, the mic will open to the audience at the end of the event for any additional sharing following all of the above guidelines.